Private Poetry Mentoring
Work 1-on-1 with a master poetry mentor
Read our mentor’s teaching statements to discover
their sensibilities, influences, and areas of interest.
How Our Poetry Mentoring Works
You’ll share your poems with your mentor in Wet Ink, the only online platform designed exclusively for writing, where your mentor will provide generous line-by-line comments, holistic overviews, and weekly check-ins, either in Wet Ink, Zoom sessions, or over the phone.
If you’re working on a manuscript, mentors offer both large-scale suggestions—with an eye toward your manuscript's theme, tones, scenes, and characters—as well as line-by-line commentary on poems where there's need for it. You’ll also work together on organization, titles, and cohesion, and your mentor will provide suggestions for where to submit your manuscript when you’re done.
Mentorships begin at the hourly rate of $75, which includes a critique of up to three pages of your poetry. From there, each mentor has established their own rate for chapbooks (up to 30 pages) and full-length manuscripts (up to 70 pages).
Chapbook engagements last 4-6 weeks.
Full-length manuscript engagements last 6-8 weeks.