Girl Talk: Conversations on Women Poets

from $275.00

Dates: October 7-November 3
Format: Online Workshop (asynchronous, more info)

No coterie of artists could be more multifaceted, more contradictory, or more inspiring than women poets. In this four-week workshop, teaching artists Maureen Alsop and Joshua Davis will share reflections, reveries, impressions sparked by women poets. These funny, fiery dialogues will zigzag among questions of language, quandaries of craft, as well as glimmers of biography, and each week's prompts will emerge from these conflabs. Likely luminaries include Jean Valentine, Lorine Neidecker, Gwendolyn Brooks, Marilyn Chin, and glitzy guest stars. Maureen and Josh will swap who leads each week, but participants may expect lively observations from both teaching artists. Join us for the racket, the gossip, the brewed-up trouble.

Payment Options

Early Bird: $275 (through September 16)
Regular: $295 (while seats last)
Pay It Forward: $325 (while seats last)

Note: The Pay-It-Forward price is an opportunity to take this class and support your fellow poets while you're at it. The extra monies support scholarships as well as future free and low-cost classes.

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Dates: October 7-November 3
Format: Online Workshop (asynchronous, more info)

No coterie of artists could be more multifaceted, more contradictory, or more inspiring than women poets. In this four-week workshop, teaching artists Maureen Alsop and Joshua Davis will share reflections, reveries, impressions sparked by women poets. These funny, fiery dialogues will zigzag among questions of language, quandaries of craft, as well as glimmers of biography, and each week's prompts will emerge from these conflabs. Likely luminaries include Jean Valentine, Lorine Neidecker, Gwendolyn Brooks, Marilyn Chin, and glitzy guest stars. Maureen and Josh will swap who leads each week, but participants may expect lively observations from both teaching artists. Join us for the racket, the gossip, the brewed-up trouble.

Payment Options

Early Bird: $275 (through September 16)
Regular: $295 (while seats last)
Pay It Forward: $325 (while seats last)

Note: The Pay-It-Forward price is an opportunity to take this class and support your fellow poets while you're at it. The extra monies support scholarships as well as future free and low-cost classes.

Dates: October 7-November 3
Format: Online Workshop (asynchronous, more info)

No coterie of artists could be more multifaceted, more contradictory, or more inspiring than women poets. In this four-week workshop, teaching artists Maureen Alsop and Joshua Davis will share reflections, reveries, impressions sparked by women poets. These funny, fiery dialogues will zigzag among questions of language, quandaries of craft, as well as glimmers of biography, and each week's prompts will emerge from these conflabs. Likely luminaries include Jean Valentine, Lorine Neidecker, Gwendolyn Brooks, Marilyn Chin, and glitzy guest stars. Maureen and Josh will swap who leads each week, but participants may expect lively observations from both teaching artists. Join us for the racket, the gossip, the brewed-up trouble.

Payment Options

Early Bird: $275 (through September 16)
Regular: $295 (while seats last)
Pay It Forward: $325 (while seats last)

Note: The Pay-It-Forward price is an opportunity to take this class and support your fellow poets while you're at it. The extra monies support scholarships as well as future free and low-cost classes.


Joshua Davis is the author of Reversal Spells in Blue and Black (forthcoming from Seven Kitchens Press) and, with Allison Blevins, the co-author of Chorus for the Kill (Seven Kitchens Press) and fiery poppies bruising their own throats (forthcoming from Glass Lyre Press). He holds an MFA from Stonecoast at the University of Southern Maine, an MFA from the University of Mississippi, and an M.A. from Pittsburg State University. A former John and Renee Grisham fellow, he offers online workshops and private mentoring at The Poetry Barn. Recent poems have appeared in One Art, The Hunger, Glass: A Journal of Poetry. He is a doctoral candidate in Literature at Ohio University, and he teaches high school English near Tampa, Florida.


Maureen Alsop, Ph.D. is the author of Apparition Wren (Main Street Rag, 2007), Later, Knives & Trees (Negative Capability Press, 2014), Mantic (Augury Books, 2013), Mirror Inside Coffin (WordTech Editions, 2015) and several chapbooks including Luminal Equation in the collection Narwhal (Cannibal Press), the dream and the dream you spoke, and 12 Greatest Hits, Nightingale Habit and Origin of Stone. She is the winner of Harpur Palate's Milton Kessler Memorial Prize for Poetry and The Bitter Oleander’s Frances Locke Memorial Poetry Award. Her poems have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including AGNIBaltimore ReviewBarrow StreetBerkeley Poetry ReviewBitter OleanderBlackbirdDiodeDrunken BoatKenyon Review OnlinePankSpinning JennyBaltimore Review, PinchVersaland Verse Daily, among others.

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